All Hail The Queen

Queen Elsa, that is.

It’s been a week or two since I’ve posted a “mug shot.” Due to the hiatus, I’ve decided to show you guys my favorite–a mug adorned with my favorite Disney character of all time, little miss Elsa.

Why do I love her so much? It’s not her ice powers or her gorgeous blue dress or her chic side-braid. It’s not the fact that she was voiced by my all-time favorite voice, Idina Menzel. It’s not her ability to create ice castles and build snowmen.

Elsa is my favorite simply because she’s so unsure of herself–afraid to step outside the safety of the castle gates, afraid to hurt her loved ones…she’s just afraid of messing up. I can relate to her so very much. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had a tendency to strive for perfection. Anything less of perfection was just not good enough. I remember crying in Kindergarten because I put eggs in the wrong tier on a food pyramid work sheet. I’ve always set impossibly high standards for myself.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten better at accepting my imperfections. They make me uniquely and wonderfully me. Just as Elsa learns to “let go” (yes, I went there) and explore all that her powers have to offer, I’m slowly but surely learning that my very deepest self can be set free as well. I thought I’d never have the guts to start a blog, to let my voice be heard. By “letting go” of my doubts, I’ve learned a lot about myself through this process–blogging has become one of the most fun things I’ve ever tried.

This is why I love Elsa, people. I can see so much of myself in her–she’s more than just a song and a braid and a dress. I believe Elsa reflects the timid girl in all of us that finally had the guts to break free of her doubts. She’s relatable. She’s powerful. And she can sing.

Don’t deny your love for this Disney Queen. You just got to “let it go.”


All Hallows’ Eve

Happy Halloween, everyone!

It’s one of the best days of the year: the weather’s usually great, spirits are high, and creative and nerdy and scary and wondrous costumes abound. It’s the one day of the year I can portray a Disney character, no questions asked.

This year, my team is on the bus traveling to an overnight away game on All Hallows’ Eve. That didn’t stop us from getting into the spirit, however: our whole team got dressed up for the 8 hour bus ride, cupcakes were passed around, and Halloween Town is playing on the tiny tv.

Definitely a great way to spend the holiday.

This year, my sister and I decided to coordinate as Elsa (me) and Olaf (my sister). We brought out the leggings and the tiaras and the orange face paint and the appropriate colors in order to bring those beloved characters to life.

You could say we are “Contemporary Frozen characters: Elsa and Olaf.” Halloween is the perfect day to show off your Disney side.

I hope everyone has a spooky, trick-or-treat filled, Haunted Mansion-esque Halloween! Here’s to hoping we encounter an abundance of “grim grinning ghosts” and a plethora of “happy haunts.” After all, “This is Halloween” {The Nightmare Before Christmas} and anything can happen.